Improving oil quality of Eastern Canadian canola
Improving oil quality of Eastern Canadian canola
ECODA project number: B.2.5, B.2.6 and B.2.7
Principal investigator: Hugh J. Earl
In this project, it was proposed to develop a controlled environment stress protocol that would provide a mechanism to pre-screen candidate canola varieties for susceptibility to elevated FFAs under heat stress.
This project also investigated the hypothesis that applications of foliar boron (B) to canola during early flowering could result in significant yield increases and that these increases would be greatest when the crop was under high temperature stress during flowering. A further objective was to elucidate the physiological basis of foliar boron’s effect on the canola crop.
Identify the molecular basis of green seed in canola and develop gene-based markers for degreening
Identify the molecular basis of green seed in canola and develop gene-based markers for degreening
ECODA project number: B.2.4
Principal investigator: K. Peter Pauls
1. Defining a laboratory treatment of canola that induces the green seed phenomenon.
2. Identifying canola germplasm that differed in the green seed incidence after a cold treatment
– during the seed maturation period, and
– identifying gene targets that might be involved in the stay-green phenotype in canola.
Access the research project’s final report.
Evaluation of natural products on agronomic features of canola: Effect of treatments on crop germination, growth, fatty acid profile and yield of canola in Eastern Canada
Sub-activity B.2.2: Testability of marine bio-products to alleviate temperature stress in the field, greenhouse and growth chamber
Sub-activity B.2.3: Evaluate effects of marine bio-products on oil content and fatty acid composition of oil in greenhouse and field studies
Evaluation of natural products on agronomic features of canola: Effect of treatments on crop germination, growth, fatty acid profile and yield of canola in Eastern Canada
ECODA project number: B.2.2 and B.2.3
Principal investigator: Balakrishnan Prithiviraj
Sub-activity B.2.2: Testability of marine bio-products to alleviate temperature stress in the field, greenhouse and growth chamber
Sub-activity B.2.3: Evaluate effects of marine bio-products on oil content and fatty acid composition of oil in greenhouse and field studies
Development of high oil canola varieties/genotypes packaged with superior traits and suitable for cultivation in Eastern Canada
Development of high oil canola varieties/genotypes packaged with superior traits and suitable for cultivation in Eastern Canada
ECODA project number: B.1
Principal investigator: Peter B.E. McVetty
The objective of the ECODA B1 project was to identify Brassica napus strains adapted to Eastern Canada that can be utilized as the foundation for Eastern Canadian canola breeding programs.
Canola nutrient management B.5
Canola nutrient management B.5
ECODA project number: B.5
Principal investigator: Bao-Luo Ma
Field experiments were conducted across Eastern Canada to investigate the growth, yield and quality traits of canola crop to preplant and sidedress application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer as urea at various combinations with soil applied sulphur (S) as ammonium sulphate, and soil and foliar applied boron (B) in the form of Alpine Boron. A greenhouse experiment was also conducted on soils collected from three field sites (Ste‐ Anne‐ de‐ Bellevue, Ottawa, St‐ Augustin) to determine the impact of application of N, S and B on main soil quality indicators.